Want to be a successful entrepreneur? You’ll need to nail these two elements.


I live in paradise. 


I say this not to brag, but to explain how I got here and how you too can find your paradise, whatever it looks like to you. 


I live in sunny Santa Barbara, and I was only ever meant to stay here temporarily as I was hired for a consulting job. Now 15 years and three successful businesses later, this is where I call home.


When I reflect on my path of getting (and staying) here, two very important elements come to mind. Two very important elements that every entrepreneur needs to embody to be successful. Once you nail these two elements, you too can build the business (or businesses!) of your dreams. Let’s dive into them, shall we?


Number 1: You need to take risks.


As an entrepreneur, fear is going to be a natural element within your life. I’m not saying this to scare you; I just mean that fear will make or break your business.


You don’t have a lot of fear in a 9-5 job. There can be a sense of control and security in these types of jobs. (This is an illusion, but that’s a topic for another day.) When you’re an entrepreneur, fear is everywhere. You’re afraid to make a mistake, you’re afraid to try new things, and sometimes, you’re even afraid to take the first step.


 Fear will come and say: 

“Oh, you can’t do that!” 

“That’s too expensive; you can’t afford to invest in that for your business.” 

“Just who do you think you are?”

“You’re not smart enough to do that.”


You have to overcome this fear. It’s going to come in, but you have to believe and trust in yourself that you can absolutely do it and take those risks. And when you do, courage will follow, and that’s when the real magic happens.



Number 2: You have to be crystal clear


When I say crystal clear here, I’m talking about having clarity within your business. That means knowing what you want your exact outcome to be. That means knowing everything from how you want to run your day-to-day operations to what kind of employees you want working for you. You have to have this crystal clear clarity on everything that you do. 


I promise you that clarity is the key to success. When you have clarity, the risk doesn’t become as scary, and you can already feel the fear melting away.



If you’re not clear on how to build your business, or what you want it to look like, or who your perfect clients are, then these are the questions that need answering before you can confidently move forward.


Once you have these answered, then you can take steps to build the business that you love, put the proper systems and processes in place and allow you to have the freedom to step away from the day-to-day and give yourself creative freedom.



If you’re struggling with either of these things, if you’re stuck, if you’re uncertain, if you’re overwhelmed, if you’re riddled with fear, let’s break free from that because these things are easily smashable.


You know deep down you can do these things. You know you’re being held back, whether it’s your mind or other roadblocks that are keeping you from building the business that you love. 


We can get rid of that mind trash, we can get rid of those robots, and really step into your superpower so that you can confidently build a business love.


And guess what? Your perfect clients will then start sniffing you out. They can feel it. They know you’re there, and they are going to be so excited to work with you. 

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