Zohe Felici Speaks at the Soul Success Summit

I was honored to be one of many women entrepreneurs who were hand selected from all over the country to speak on various topics to support women in their career.

I was part of the business finance panel and shared my tips on how to create profitable events and retreats to fellow powerhouse business and mindset coaches at the #soulsuccesssummit in Santa Barbara.

I was EXACTLY where I needed to be, because, I LOVE to make and talk about making money and I LOVE producing events! That is why I LOVE to share my experience about producing profitable events.

When powerful women come together,

incredible things happen!!

This weekend retreat included women who are killing it in their business for a weekend of self love, mindset, yoga, and business development.

Topics included:

  • How to BREAK FREE of what holds us back from loving our health, mind, soul and business!
  • Top secrets to overcoming struggles and growing yourself and your business.
  • Guidance by the movers and shakers who are DOING IT.
  • Financial strategies and systems.
  • Mindset miracles

If you are overwhelmed and not sure about what it take to produce an event or retreat that is effective and makes money, click HERE for a FREE downloadable event planning organizer.

Photos by Tai Kerbs

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