I was a Guest on a Podcast as a Destination Wedding Expert!

I was a Guest on a Podcast as a Destination Wedding Expert!

I was so excited to be a guest on Essential Planner Co. Podcast with Whitney Drake! Take a listen, we’re talking through all things destination weddings such as: Why it really makes sense to book a wedding coordinator and not just rely on the venue’s site manager. How differences in work ethics and just general…

The Show Must Go On: Adapting in the Creative Event Industry

The Show Must Go On: Adapting in the Creative Event Industry

  If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you need to learn how to adapt. As creative event professionals, we are constantly thrown curveballs throughout the planning process and the event itself. It’d be a miracle to get through an entire event from planning to closing without something popping up that needs immediate attention….

The 3 Questions You Need to Answer Before You Can Build Your Empire

The 3 Questions You Need to Answer Before You Can Build Your Empire

Let’s be honest. These past few months have been difficult. The cover-up-your-head and go-back-to-bed kind of difficult—in both the event business and on a global scale. I count myself lucky to have the California beaches nearby, and since the temperatures have begun to rise this week, I sought out some seawater for a much-needed reprieve. …

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