Why Hiding Behind Your Website Can Be Costing You Five Figures Per Month

Why Hiding Behind Your Website Can Be Costing You Five Figures Per Month

This particular story I am about to share is appraised at a minimum of $24,000 per month in revenue lost….. Constantly, I hear fellow event entrepreneurs lamenting that they have to work on their website, or they won’t advertise b/c their website is not up to their standards or how they are frustrated they have…

Two Reasons You’re Not Attracting Your Perfect Clients

Two Reasons You’re Not Attracting Your Perfect Clients

A problem that comes up ALL THE TIME in my coaching sessions with my creative and wedding event professionals, is that they aren’t attracting their perfect clients. That leaves them with dealing with ‘crazy client’ syndrome or demanding ‘bridezillas.’ Here are two reasons you’re not attracting your perfect clients, and how to fix that. Reason…

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