The Importance of Client Testimonials in 2022

As we transition from one calendar year to another (hello 2022!), it’s the perfect time to take stock of your hard work. You might be asking yourself, what’s going well within my business? What should I change? Are there areas I can make more efficient? What definitely isn’t working?


All of this is necessary reflection when it comes to building a business you love.


But I can bet that there is one area that even the most fastidious of business owners skim over, and that’s your client testimonials.


Client testimonials are ESSENTIAL when it comes to attracting your ideal clients time and time again. What better marketing is there than previous clients shouting from the rooftops about how amazing it is to work with you?


Not quite sold on their importance, yet? Let me ask you this then: what’s the FIRST thing you do when you purchase something online? Whether that’s purchasing an item on Amazon, or making a hair appointment or signing up for someone’s services…


YUP. You peek at the reviews. The first thing nearly anyone does is check the reviews — especially when:


a) it’s a first-time purchase or first-time experience, OR

b) when the competition is so similar that it’s hard to decipher which one is truly the best


That’s why this post is dedicated to talking about your reviews and testimonials — and why now is the perfect time to ask your clients for them if you haven’t already. We are, after all, coming off the Wedding + Event Boom of 2021. These testimonials are a MUST-HAVE in your wedding and creative event business moving forward.


In fact, 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting or interacting with a business. Access to reviews makes it much easier to judge the quality and authenticity of the product/service that’s on offer. 


(Translation: your clients will book you quicker if they can see your authenticity before they even speak to you.)


I’m willing to bet that you don’t have enough reviews and testimonials on your website right now. Heck, you might not even have ANY — despite the fact that you’ve worked with many clients and pulled off some truly remarkable feats.


The truth is, most event and wedding professionals are already pressed for time. As someone who has worked in the industry for years, I know this. When you’re finished with your services, asking for a review or testimonial is probably the LAST thing you want to do. It’s one more thing on that seemingly never-ending to-do list.


Also, let’s be honest — it can simply feel a bit awkward to ask for reviews…right?

So you leave it to sites like Wedding Wire, The Knot, Google, Facebook, Yelp ….which don’t help set you apart from other professionals in your field. These types of reviews don’t let your superpower shine through. They’re generic. They’re bland. They’re boring as all get-out.


It’s no surprise that negative reviews or no reviews at all can impact the trustworthiness of a business. So how do you get the reviews you want? The reviews that show off your hard work? The reviews that demonstrate YOUR unique superpower?


It all starts with putting the correct systems in place. That way, the system ensures that clients are in a place where they CANNOT WAIT to leave you a positive review. With my proven syntax, I can help clients and couples clearly see your SUPERPOWER and therefore help you stand hand and shoulders above competitors.


When done right, reviews will do your marketing for you, so by the time you get an inquiry, it’s just a formality…


If any of this sounds like you — i.e., if you know you do GREAT work and just need help getting the testimonials to prove it — then I can help. If you know you’re a hard worker that’s dedicated to building the business of your dreams, but you don’t know what your superpower is yet or how to put these working systems in place, I can help with that too.


Don’t forget the age-old saying: words matter. We all know this. Let’s make sure the right ones are being said about your business. Book a complimentary call with me this week — I only have a few spots left — and we’ll get this year started off right. Before you know it, word of mouth is doing all of the hard work for you and you’ll be booking perfect client after perfect client.

Feel like you’re attracting the wrong clients? You’ll want to read this.

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