The Unexpected Supervillain in Your Business That’s Costing You Thousands

Let’s talk about the supervillain in your business.


This supervillain is a little voice in your head that misleads you into doing things you know you shouldn’t do.


This voice doesn’t serve you, but you do it anyway because you can’t help it.


Not to mention — you’re a creative who works in hospitality, which by nature means you’re a more understanding and empathetic person.


You like to take care of people, right?


But this particular super villain shows up way too much in our industry. It’s one of the largest things wedding and creative event professionals struggle with within their business.


It’s the little voice that says, “You’re charging too much.”


 And this little voice grows bigger over time. 

“You’re charging too much; give them a discount.”

“They didn’t ask for a discount? Give it to them anyway.”

“Your services can’t possibly be worth THAT much.”

“Who are you kidding? You’re an imposter!”


How many times have you written a proposal, and when you get to the final line item, you think, Wow, this is too much, I need to add a discount.


Or how many times have you been afraid to ask for your full price, in fear that the client will walk away?


How many times have you given a discount WITHOUT the client even asking for one?


This happens ALL the time in our industry. I see it every day with my coaching clients. A creative professional starts discounting their services, and the next thing they know, they can’t pay their quarterly taxes, they can’t afford their rent, they can’t take time off, they can’t pay for the tools they need for their business, they’re trapped in a prison of their own making.


I’m going to say it once and for all — STOP DISCOUNTING YOUR PRICES.


No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Imagine a business where you only book a FEW clients a month, clients that are your ideal clients, who pay your full-price and are a joy to work with for their wedding or event.


Doesn’t that sound better than booking 15 clients that undervalue your services AND have underpaid you? And you’re still trying to make ends meet because you’ve discounted your services so much?


It’s time, RIGHT NOW, to banish this super villain from our industry.


It’s time to stop feeling bad about the extreme value you bring to your clients and the prices that come along with it.


I know it’s a hard habit to break. (I’ve given away tens of thousands of dollars a year in my business when I first started out.) But it’s time to break the cycle, and we start by taking emotion out of the conversation with money and inject some logic back into it.


If you need help coming up with a steadfast financial plan in your business, I’m here to help. I’m here to keep you from feeling bad about yourself, from losing sleep because you can’t pay your bills, from feeling so dejected in an industry that for too long has been undervalued. I’ve got you. 


If this feels like something you need help on, let’s jump on a complimentary 45-minute call, and we can figure out a financial plan together and banish that supervillain forever.

Not ready for a call just yet? Join our exclusive Facebook Group for Creative Wedding and Event Professionals.

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